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Math Challenges

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First Grade Math Websites
  1. MathSurf Texas
  2. Addition and Subtraction Practice
  3. Math and Language Activities
  4. AAA Math - First Grade
  5. Math Glossary with Pictures
  6. Virtual Geoboard
  7. Addition Surprise!
  8. Harcourt Math Advantage- activities and practice by grade level
  9. Education Place Mathematics- activities and practice by grade level
  10. Tic-Tac-Toe Games(Addition and Subtraction)
  11. Show the Fraction
  12. Pattern Blocks
  13. Pattern Blocks2
  14. Grouping by Tens
  15. Measure It- inches and centimeter
  16. Show me the Money!-presentation about coins
  17. How many cents?- count the coins
  18. Money practice
  19. Teaching Time-a great clock!
  20. Identifying Time- Children place the cursor over a clock, then identify the correct time.