Content Areas
Bridges support for parents(click here)
Students will be given quizzes/chapter tests, a study guide will be sent home the night before a unit test
Homework will be in a workbook
- Social Studies-exploring our community, citizenship, government, changes over time, and economics. Quizzes, tests, CR district tests and homework will be included
- Science- Engineering/Bridges, Motion and Matter, Plants and their growth, Protecting Animals when their habitat changes- quizzes and tests will be given and some homework will be included, also the possibility of small projects. Grades are based on in class work, participation, and tests.
- Wonders reading program- a weekly letter will be posted with each week's focus, There will be reading selection tests as well as data from Dibels universal screener and RAZ kids reading program.
- Writing will include narratives, how to, poems, descriptive writing, letters, and a writer's notebook. Writing will be graded according to CR 3rd grade writing rubric and by classroom writing conferences and observations. Research is also included.