- Rolling Hills "Take Home/Blue" folder and test folder: Each student has received a Rolling Hills folder, which may be used for important papers and notes. Please remind your 3rd grader to check and empty this folder every night. You may also use the RH folder to send in notes about changes in dismissal, lunch money, and any other correspondence. The test folder will be sent home bi-weekly for your review and signature, please return all papers in the folder after reviewing them.
- Homework/Assignment Book: Please check and sign your 3rd grader's assignment book for daily communication on a nightly basis. Your child is required to record nightly homework and include other information about upcoming school news & events in his/her assignment book. You may also use this book to write a quick note to me, but please be sure your child addresses the note with me when he/she arrives at school.
- Arrival/Dismissal: Students are asked to arrive at school between 8:50-9:10am. Dismissal begins at 3:40pm.
- Absences/Attendance: Absent notes can be emailed to the office directly to mcrane@crsd.org . For more information about these procedures, please click here. After three consecutive absences- a doctor's note is required Report a family trip using the Educational Family Trip Form which can be found here
- Changes in Dismissal: You may communicate a change in dismissal via a note in your child's RH folder or an email in advance. If there are changes to your child's dismissal plans after your child arrives at school, please contact the office at 215-944-2000. Please DO NOT send me an email with any emergency changes in your 3rd grader's dismissal as I may not be able to receive the email prior to dismissal time.
- Lunch: For more information about how you may help pay for your child's lunches, please click here.
- Snack: Please send in one nutritious snack with your 3rd grader each day (even on early dismissal days). Snack time for our class is at 10:10am. We are a peanut safe school, so please be mindful of the kinds of snacks your child brings in to the classroom. Here is more information from our school nurse about the Allergy Alert.
- Birthdays: Our class looks forward to celebrating everyone's birthdays! If you'd like to bring in something for our class, non-edible treats are welcomed.
- Star Student: Each week a new student will be chosen to be STAR of the week. A poster will be sent home with a star page and small stars to color. Your child can bring in a few items to share. Your child will be highlighted for the week during various activities
- A typical Day School begins at 9:10 each morning. If your child walks or is a car rider, please do not have him/her arrive before8:50 because there will be no supervision before that time. The morning is devoted to morning meeting and language arts. We also have math, social studies, and science. Dismissal is at 3:40. Dismissal is at 12:15 on Early Dismissal Days.
- Conferences/Report Cards: Conferences will be held in the fall along with a first quarter report card. A sign-up sheet for November conferences will be available on sign up genius in early September. The third grade report card contains a continuum of skills. It is a developmental reporting system that reflects the growth of your child as a learner. Report cards will be distributed at the end of the year only. You access all other report cards online.
- School Wide Positive Behavior Support Plan: Our school has three goals, that students be respectful, be responsible, and be safe. Please follow the link to read more about this. School Wide Positive Behavior Support Plan