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Supply List 2024-2025




Fun school supplies help to inspire kids to be creative and to be invested in their work. Kids love their school supplies! Thank you so much for sending in these supplies. Anything that is not on the list is supplied by our school. Please take the time to unwrap everything and label each item. Everything should have your kiddo’s initials on it. Anything found in the classroom can be quickly returned if it’s labeled.

Rolling Hills Elementary School Kindergarten Supply List


Your child will need these basic kindergarten supplies for the first day of school. We have a supply box in our classroom for each student, so no need to send one in. Please label everything with your child's first name. Anything found in the classroom can easily be returned if it’s labeled.

*A family photo (We’ll share these during the first days of school during sharing time. They will stay up all year)

*Fat washable markers – 10 pack

*Crayons – 24 pack

*Regular pencils - 3, sharpened

*Colored pencils – 12 pack

*Scissors - kids sized

*Glue stick – 3, white glue sticks

*Over-the-ear headphones – Try these out at home and please make sure they are comfortable. Plug in, not Bluetooth.

*Full size backpack – Big enough to fit a folder, lying flat.

*Snack bag or pouch – big enough for a small snack and a drink

*Refillable water bottle – leakproof, flip-top works best. We encourage the kids to hydrate after recess.

*Girls Only- Please send in 1 Family-sized box of tissues

*Boys Only- Please send in 1 Roll of paper towels -select a size

*Optional: A few non-perishable snacks - We’ll add these to our “snack box” for days when kids forget to bring a snack. Individually wrapped pretzels or fruit chews are what we usually buy. Think small, non-perishable and kind of healthy. :)

Thank you so much!

Nicole Whiteley