AM Kindergarten Arrival Begins at 8:50 Class Begins at 9:10 Dismissal Begins at 11:45
- Please allow a few extra minutes for our little ones to travel to the classroom. To be considered ON TIME - a student needs to be in his/her homeroom by 9:10 a.m. Arriving in the car line at 9:10 a.m. often leads to a student being marked tardy.
- All car riders in grades K-6 will enter the building through the front/side entrance.
- Car riders - Please have your child stay in your car until 8:50 a.m. when an adult from the building will help the kiddos from the car into the building. Do not allow your kiddo out of the car until you see a staff member outside.
- Adults from the building will help guide all of the kids to the correct homeroom.
PM Kindergarten
Arrival Begins at 1:00 Class Begins at 1:05 Dismissal Begins at 3:40
- Upon arrival, car riders should remain in their car until they see an adult from our school. Parents please stay in your car and allow the children walk to the kindergarten door where we will be waiting.
- At dismissal time, bus riders, walkers, and car riders will be brought out to the main parking lot. Please pull around the parking lot oval and wait in your car for your child.
**Changes in Dismissal** You can communicate a change of dismissal via note place in your child's Rolling Hills Folder before the start of the school day. If you have to change your child's dismissal plan after the start of the school day, please call the office at (215)944-2000. Please DO NOT email changes in dismissal, as I may not receive your message in time. |