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When Your Child is Sick

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When Your Child is Sick

Many parents are unsure when to send their child back to school after an illness.  When ever there is a question please don't hesitate to contact the school nurse at 215-944-2009 or 214-944-2070.

If your child has been out of school due to an illness for more than one day please let the school nurse know.  It helps us when we know what illnesses students have contracted. 

Guidelines for returning to school:

If your child has been diagnosed with a communicable disease (please see communicable disease information) please follow the CRSD recommendations.

If your child has had a fever in the past 24 hours please do not send him/her to school the next morning, even if they are fever free.  Most children are not feverish in the early morning.  Usually fevers don't present until the afternoon or evening.  And not only does your child need rest to recover completely but they could potentially be infectious towards others.  This practice helps keep our school healthy. 

If your child has been prescribed any medication and that medication must be given during the school day, please have the physician write an order for the medicine to be given in school.  Nurses in Pennsylvania are not allowed to administer ANY MEDICATION (prescribed or over-the-counter) without a medical order.  To access a medical form please click here

If your child has a runny nose or loose cough, or is sneezing please review hygiene practices at home:

  • Using tissues to blow their nose
  • Covering their mouth and nose when coughing
  • Hand washing after blowing the nose, cough or sneezing
  • Hand washing after toileting