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About Fitnessgram - A Letter for Parents

Physical Fitness Testing

Dear Council Rock Parents & Guardians,

This letter is to inform you that the Council Rock School District has adopted the most current practices in fitness testing in the Physical Education community by moving to the Fitnessgram program. Highlighted below are some of the changes that you will notice during your child’s fitness testing experience from elementary school through high school.


Presidential Youth Physical Fitness

Student’s scores are assessed by “Healthy Fitness Zone” (HFZ); these figures are research based scores linked to risk for diseases later in life

Student’s scores are used to determine Presidential & National Awards based on percentiles

Measures personal fitness

Compares fitness levels to other students

Focus is on health-related fitness
*Can be altered with individual work

Focus is on skill-related fitness
*These are considered genetically inherited qualities

Aligns with the National Physical Education standards


The chart below lists the recommended tests, however alternate tests may be administered.

Fitness Component

Recommended Test

Test Rationale

Aerobic capacity

PACER (progressive aerobic cardiovascular endurance run)

Helps students learn pacing

Body composition

Skinfold measurements

High levels of body fatness are associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease, stroke & diabetes.
*Note: Health screenings are performed by the health suite

Abdominal strength & endurance

Curl up

Safer alternative for back & hip flexors, as well as maximizing abdominal strength.

Trunk extensor strength & flexibility

Trunk lift

Added test due to the relationship to lower back health, especially proper vertebral alignment.

Upper body strength & endurance

90 degree push up

Important for daily living, maintaining functional health and promoting good posture.


Back saver sit & reach

The left & right legs are tested separately to determine any asymmetry in hamstring flexibility & hyperextension of both knees is avoided.